Floating Feather Mobile DIY

This mobile is beautiful and easy to make, and you can personalize to your liking, and color pallet.

(Photo Credit: Sophie Honey)

You will need:

-An embroidery hoop

-Fishing wire


-10 or so feathers

-Rope, string, or small chain

For this project, you can choose the size of hoop you’d like to use, the length of fishing wire and the type and number of feathers. Hopefully this tutorial will inspire you to create a one of a kind masterpiece!

Start by measuring your hoop and find the middle (where you would ‘cut’ the circle to get two equal halves) take your rope, string, or chain (you can also use the fishing wire) and tie one end to the hoop at your center line, then tie the other end straight across to the other side of the hoop. You will use that to hang the mobile. Now cut the fishing wire and tie one end to your hoop and the other end to the quill of the feather. Repeat, make the fishing wires different lengths, this will help give some different dimension to your mobile.

 Now you can hang your new masterpiece by using the first string your tied, hang it on a hook, a curtain rod, inside your locker, anywhere you want!!

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